
The article is devoted to the analytical study of macroeconomic indicators characterizing the development of the national economy of Ukraine and the agrarian sector of the economy. The conducted researches were based on information from open official sources and determined that in Ukraine for the period 2001 - 2018 a stable level of growth of the domestic gross product was ensured. It was found that significant contribution to the positive stabilization of key indicators of the domestic economy, including GDP, was made by enterprises of agriculture, forestry and fisheries. It is determined that the agrarian sector forms the economic basis of Ukraine, and it is a determining factor in the formation of macroeconomic and social indicators. Specificity of agrarian production determines the peculiarity of its functioning. Many products of the agricultural sector are parts of the production process, bypassing the scope of commodity circulation. It was found that the GDP structure at the state level changed the structure of GDP by income categories. The average value of gross profit, mixed income in the agricultural sector is twice as much as in the national economy; the increase in net profit in the agricultural sector was even faster at the national economy. The higher ratio of net profit excess over the gross profit is explained by the lower average level of consumption of fixed capital in the agricultural sector of economy. Differential features of agriculture are associated with significant intermediate consumption of own-produced products, which does not take the form of a final product intended for sale. It is substantiated that further preservation of the positive tendency of macroeconomic indicators is possible under the condition of positive dynamics of development of institutional sectors of the economy, including the agricultural sector, provided the specificity of its production process.

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