
Objective of the study is: the consideration of the foundations of the communicative and legal culture of young people through the prism of theories of legal communication in the modern socio-cultural space. The methodological basis of the research is presented the analysis of the theories of communications, legal communication of scientists who consider legal communication as a component of the communicative and legal culture of an individual, among which: S.I. Arkhipov, Yu.A. Zubok, A. Kaufman, V. Kravitz, A.V. Konstantinova, A.V. Polyakov, E.A. Romanova, E.F. Usmanova, E.V. Chankova, K. Marks, F. Engels, M. Van Hook, etc. Research results. The analysis of various concepts allowed us to note that the communicative function of legal culture is one of the most important in the conditions of the formation of a modern socio-cultural society. The reason for this is the fact that in the conditions of social reality of the society, in which there are forms of manifestation of legal nihilism, insufficient legal and communicative literacy, as well as the reluctance of young people to follow the canons of law and the rules of communication, each individual must have the fundamental qualities and characteristics of a communicative and legal culture, including legal education, communicative literacy, legal and communicative tolerance. Without the presence of these elements, the world will fall into chaos, which will be difficult to get rid of. It follows that legal communicative competence and culture should be the basis for the formation and development of young people, as it is the fundamental mechanism of social interaction of subjects and a way of peaceful coexistence of the society. Prospects of the study are that every individual in a modern multinational state must possess the fundamental norms of communicative interaction in legal relations, since this is the most important mechanism for preventing conflict situations, which, in case of inaction, can be realized in such an aggravated form as crimes that infringe on the life and health of a citizen, caused by intolerance to everyone and everything different (language, nation, race, ethnic group, religion, etc.).

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