
The article considers the issues of the impact of product quality on international competitiveness on the example of the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine. In order to increase the level of competitiveness, companies must form competitive strategies and develop competitive behavior in international markets. Domestic companies in the pharmaceutical industry are involved in global production and sales chains, which help increase the level of international competitiveness of Ukraini-an pharmaceutical companies. Ukraine imports most of its pharmaceutical products from abroad, and the country can pro-vide about a third of its population with its own pharmaceutical products. Increasing the level of international competitive-ness will contribute to the growth of exports, which is achieved through product quality management. The article analyzes the certification of some countries in the pharmaceutical sector. The author calculated the index of Ukraine's participation in the international cooperation of the pharmaceutical sector on the basis of export-import of domestic pharmaceutical products and GDP of Ukraine and the world. The author also constructed a multifactor regression model, which allowed to analyze the international competitiveness of pharmaceutical companies using one of the main factors -the volume of exports of do-mestic pharmaceutical products. Our hypothesis is that the increase in the international competitiveness of pharmaceutical companies, which in turn indicates the growth of exports of their products, is influenced by factors such as: the volume of sold pharmaceutical products, drugs and materials, the number of certificates of pharmaceutical companies and participation index of Ukraine in the international cooperation of the pharmaceutical sector. Thus, we proved the impact of product quality on the international competitiveness of domestic pharmaceutical companies.

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