
Violation of the universal requirement of harmony in law causes negative legal consequences. In the end, this leads to the emergence of obstacles in legal regulation, violations of law and order. Long-term violation of harmony in law, caused by stable factors, leads to the emergence of “protrusion of law.” “Protrusion of law” is a complex phenomenon that exists in the legal system of a particular state, associated with the negative influence of long-standing factors of disharmony, manifested in the existence of a set of legal norms (established models of law enforcement and positions of interpretation of law), which for one reason or another is not coherent to the general one, established, legal order, which causes a set of negative consequences in the end, leading to a complex violation of legal regulation. Protrusion has three main forms: normative protrusion (based on a violation of the coherence of a rule of law to other legal norms), law enforcement (sacred with the contradiction of the content of a legal norm and a law enforcement position developed in the course of applying such a norm) and hermeneutic protrusion (associated withare typical, as a rule, for special situations and legal regimes. They are manifested to the greatest extent in conditions of special administrative regimes of emergency and martial law, legal regimes of functioning of certain political regimes (in particular, an autocratic regime). Protrusions are manifested in different ways in legal systems belonging to different legal families. So, in the conditions of the Romano-Germanic legal family, the protrusion of law, as a rule, manifests itself in the normative sphere and is associated with the emergence of legal norms that are not coherent with other norms. The main form of overcoming protrusion is rule-making activity aimed at identifying and eliminating norms that lead to protrusion. In an Anglo-Saxon legal family, protrusion is less likely to occur. The presence of normative non-coherence does not lead directly to negative consequences, but is leveled by the action of the court, which, through case-law, can harmonize this norm in the context of the general legal order. At the same time, protrusions can occur in the very law enforcement practice, causing the destruction of the previously achieved harmony. In the context of other legal systems, the emergence of protrusion, as a rule, is caused by the identification of legal regulations that contradict the basic principle of the formation of such legal systems (religious, doctrinal, traditional).

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