Increasing the grain yield of winter wheat in Ukraine and in the world is largely related to achievements in selection and improvement of agrotechnics for its growing. Modern high-yielding varieties of winter wheat are characterized by a longer period of consumption of nutritive elements and their more efficient use. To realize their genetic potential, such varieties require an individual approach to the management of mineral nutrition of plants. However, the prevention of nutritional deficiencies due to non-compliance of fertilizers with the physiological needs of new varieties and hybrids until present time remains an unsolved problem. Therefore, the aim of our research was to compare the consumption of nutritive elements by winter wheat plants of Ukrainian and European selection after the resumption of spring vegetation. In the research had compared the dynamics of consumption of nutritive elements by winter wheat plants of four Ukrainian varieties: Rozkishna, Bunchuk, Smug-lyanka and Podolyanka; 8 varieties of Foreign selection: Balitus, Panonicus – Austria; Arctis, Matrix – Germany; Annitsa, Manditsa – Croatia; Bodichek and Daria – Czech Republic. The content of N, P, K and microelements in the aboveground organs of plants after the resumption of their spring vegetation in the tillering stage, shooting, flowering and complete ripeness (grain and straw separately) was determined. Wheat was grown on the varietal test field of theV. Yuryev Plant Research Institute of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine on typical heavy clayey loam chernozems with the same agrotechnics and fertilizers. Wea-ther conditions during the research period differed in the times of the dry period: in 2018 in April-May during the growth of vegetative mass, and in 2019 – in June–July, that is in the phase of grain ripening. It is found, that the nitrogen content in the aboveground part of winter wheat during the spring-summer vegetation was higher in varieties of European selection, except for well provided with moisture tillering phase in 2019. A similar trend of greater potassium accumulation had plants of European varieties whose potassium content in grain was higher by 0.03–0.14% in 2018 and by 0.22–0.24% in 2019 than in the varieties of Ukrainian selection. No significant permanent differences in the accumulation of phosphorus by plants between groups of varieties were found. The content of nutritive elements in grain and straw had less variability than in the aboveground part of plants during the growing season. During both years of observations during the growing season, wheat of European varieties accumulated more manganese than Ukrainian varieties, and, as a result, the content of this element in the grain of the European group was higher by 2.2–2.3 mg/kg, in straw –by 5.2–7.7 mg/kg. Instead, wheat of Ukrainian varieties consumed more zinc from the flo-wering phase, and the content of this element in the grain of the Ukrainian group was higher by 1.1–1.2 mg/kg, in straw – by 0.09–0.22 mg/kg. The accumulation of iron in the tissues of winter wheat was higher for European varieties at the stage of booting, and for Ukrainian varieties – during flowering. Thus, the same conditions of soil supply with nutritive elements, accumulation of NPK and microelements in the aboveground part of winter wheat plants after the resumption of spring vegetation is determined by weather conditions and varietal features of nutrition. The extraordinary needs of varieties for mineral nutrition can be constant over time, and can be manifested only under certain hydrothermal conditions during the growing season, so to identify such varietal features, it is necessary to conduct research for both drought and good moisture.
Визначено вміст N, P, K та мікроелементів у надземних органах рослин після відновлення їхньої весняної вегетації у фази кущіння, виходу у трубку, цвітіння та повної стиглості
Накопичення заліза в тканинах озимої пшениці виявилося вищим для європейських сортів на стадії трубкування, а для українських сортів – під час цвітіння
National Scientific Center “Institute for soil science and agrochemistry research named after O. N. Sokolovsky”, Chajkovs’ka Str., 4, Kharkiv, 61024, Ukraine. Assimilation of nutritive elements by winter wheat plants of Ukrainian and European selection after the resumption of spring vegetation. V. Panasenko National Scientific Center “Institute for soil science and agrochemistry research named after O.
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