With the development of technology, and had been forgotten. 21st century is the new phase for the human generation. In the past, the Sages had left their knowledge and wisdom for us, but with this new phase of generation, this treasure had been forgotten. In this paper with a modern point of view, a re-examination of the ethics and morality will be made. And by the five cardinal of the internal and external relations, this ethical will be re-recognized, and then the moral practice will be study on how this knowledge will be sustain. The Ethical order is the order of the society, and the practice of morality is to find the way back to the benevolence. The moral practice is the way to clear the stagnation of life that block us to return to “Tao’’. The Neisheng is the beginning of the pratice of morality , the Ouaiwang is to expand the outer moral. The practice of the morality and the implement of the moral virtue, describe why the moral conscience is the basic thought of the human body. Because the motive of a person to find the way to the good virtue is traceable. The world that we live is just a cramp, a self-comforting world, the freedom that we have now is not real. All the sincerity practice is made by the ethical enlightenment, which effectively maintained from inside morality to outside the behavior. This practice is throughout the moral ethics, the social order will be set up after the formation of the ethical order. The human society will be harmonious, and the relation between people will be warm and then the relationships will be formed. Relationship is important in the ethical order. Because, The Neisheng and Ouaiwang are inseparable, they are related to each other. The Chinese Moral Theory is an education of the science of human’s life. The so-called science of life is to explore how to clear the stagnation of human life, so that the human can inheritance thousands years’ mission. Because of their vision, Sage’s wisdom have been throughout various generations, that will help all the human society to find answers to their uneasy life; the root cause of people.
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