
This paper is based on an analysis of a transcribed conversation between four people who are speakers of Sirinić speech variety, which belongs to Prizren-Timok dialect area. Although the interlocutors use this local variety in daily communication, they adopted the standardized forms of Serbian language throughout their education. They are also exposed to it on a daily basis through media they consume. Therefore, even though based on a vernacular, their expressions also contain standard language forms. In this paper we examine the usage and the representation of standard language forms of nouns and personal pronouns with the goal to determine the reason of their appearance in this vernacular: we want to answer whether they are deviations caused by a specific context or whether they are potential changes in this speech system. In the transcribed data, grammatical forms which belong to standard Serbian language are identified and their dialectal equivalents are found. The quantification of variants confirmed that vernacular is more represented, and applying qualitative analysis to the usage of standard language forms confirmed that they appear in vernacular forms only in specific situations. Speakers use standard elements in three cases: as a part of stylized statements and in those statements related to a particular topic; within idiomatic expressions, which are perceived as a unit with its unique meaning: this leads to speakers being less likely to notice they are using forms atypical for their usual speech; and within a combination with a logical accent in the sentence, used as a means of emphasizing a particular part of the sentence.

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