
Goal. To investigate the peculiarities of the formation of productivity and grain quality of winter wheat at different levels of organo-mineral nutrition in the Polissia zone. Methods. Field — stationary experiment; laboratory — determination of quality indicators of soil and grain according to the generally accepted methods; the processing of experimental data — using Microsoft Office Excel computer program. Results. Research conducted during 2016–2020 on the dynamics of moisture reserves in sod-podzolic drained soil had established that during the period of grain formation and swelling, productive moisture reserves in the 0–100 cm soil layer decreased to a critical level of 60–80 mm (by 130–200 mm — during the period of vegetation recovery). In conditions of low soil moisture, 2.67 t/ha of grain (14.1% increase compared to absolute control) was obtained under the biological fertilizer system (byproducts of soybeans). Against the background of the by-products the introduction of the recommended for the zone dose of mineral fertili­zers (N60P60K60), the yield of grain increased to 3.52 t/ha. The highest grain productivity (3.86 t/ha) was obtained with the use of an increased (intensive) dose of mineral fertilizers (N90P90K90) with a se­parate application of nitrogen in 3 stages (N30 — for sowing, N30 — at the output to the tube, N30 — at grain swelling) in combination with side products. The fullness of the wheat grain did not depend significantly on the fertilizer system. The weight of 1000 seeds was 41.0–43.0 g, the grain quality index was within 738–748 g/l. The protein content in the versions with fertilizer application was 13.7–14.2%, on the increased background — 14.5%, which was 1.6% more than the indicator in the control version. Conclusions. The highest level of profitability of growing winter wheat was achieved under the biological fertilizer system using soybean by-products — 150%. Although the application of the enhanced fertilizer system (N90P90K90) in combination with by-products resulted in the highest grain yield (3.52 t/ha) and its protein content (14.5%), the profitability of winter wheat cultivation decreased to 68%. That is, mineral fertilizers increase and improve the quality indicators of grain and at the same time reduce the profitability of crop cultivation.

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