
The article examines the particularities of the development in the Urals region of the genre of fi gurative sculpture of small forms from assembled stone by means of comparison with the art of the Italian masters from the baroque period, the establishers of this type of stonecutting art. The small fi gurative sculpture from assembled stone (polylite), which has developed as an independent genre of the art of stonecutting in the 17th century in Italy, acquired further development not only in Western Europe, but also in Russia, in the large-scale centers of artistic elaboration of stone in the country. In the region of the Ural Mountains, notwithstanding the pre-revolutionary conditions, the mastery of the principles of preparation of anthropomorphic images in the polylite technique took place only during the Soviet period as a particular school of preparation of specialists. At the contemporary stage it becomes possible to observe an active development of this genre in the artworks of the stonecutters of the Urals. The present-day fl ourishing of the polylite fi gurative sculpture of small forms in the works of the Urals-based stonecutters is connected here not only with the culture of elaborating this material and the successive continuity of the skills of working in the polylite technique, but also with the turn to the traditions of polychrome fi gurative compositions of Florentine masters of the Baroque Era, the effectiveness and naturalist qualities of their depiction.

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