
The article presents the results of the influence of foliar fertilization with microfertilizers on the productivity of potato tubers in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine. According to the research results, the highest yield was obtained from the use of microfertilizer - Reakom. The most effective rate for introducing the studied variants is the norm of 4.50 kg / ha, while the yield of the Alladin variety was 39.9 tons / ha, which is 5.1 tons/ha higher than the control variant. Similar indicators are for the Dar variety, on average for three years, it was yielded 41.9 t / ha, which is above the control of 4.0 t / ha. With the treatment of plants with microfertilizer (Cristalon special), it is also established increase in yield. The most effective rate was 2.50 kg / ha, the average yield of the Alladin variety was 38.3 t / ha, which exceeded control of 3.7 t / ha, Dar - 41.1 t / ha, by 3.9 t / ha, respectively. High yield indices of tubers were obtained from foliar fertilization with microfertilizer (Rozasol) from the studied variants with the most effective norm it was set to 2.50 kg / ha. Thus, on average, in 2015-2017, the Alladin variety of potato tuber yields was 39.3 tons / ha, which is higher by 6.0 tons / ha of the control variant. Yield indices of Dar variety were similar and amounted to 39.7 t / ha, which is higher than control by 4.6 t / ha. The correlation-regression analysis made it possible to construct the dependence of the level of potato tuber yield on the fertilization with microfertilizers y = -0.475x2 + 3.355x + 33.47; y = -0.1786x2 + 1.9214x + 33.85; y = -0.7143x2 + 4.9257x + 29.61. Thus, the obtained models of potato tuber yields and their microfertility rates indicate that the most effective rules for foliar application are: Reakom - 4.50 kg / ha, Cristalon - 2.50 kg / ha, Rozasol - 2.50 kg / ha in the phase of budding - flowering. An important indicator in the structure of the potato tuber yield is their marketability, which determines the economic feasibility of growing and the efficiency of the use of microfertilizers and is determined according to SSTU 4506: 2005 and SSTU 4013-2001. The percentage of standard potato tubers in the studied varieties was the highest in variants where micro-fertilizer was introduced by Reakom. In the Aladin variety, the standard yield of tubers was 83.3-93.3% in the variety Dar 78.3-88.2%, respectively. On average, in 2015-2017, the largest number of standard potato tubers was characterized by the introduction of micronutrient fertilizers by Reakom in foliar fertilization at a rate of 4.50 kg / ha - 93.3%, in the Alladin variety and 88.2% in the Dar. At the same time, the smallest percentage of non-standard tubers was noted, in particular 6.7% and 11.8% in the studied varieties. The bulk of non-standard tubers consisted of small tubers, mechanically damaged and damaged by pests and diseases. With the application of microfertilizers of Cristalon special in foliar fertilization, a slightly smaller percentage of standard tubers was observed compared to the application of Reakom and was 89.2-90.7% in the Alladin variety, and 84.0-85.6% in the Dar variety. In general, the smallest yield of standard products was noted in the control version without plant treatment in the Allardin variety (83.3-83.6%), and in the Dar variety (78.3-78.5%). The largest number of non-standard products is noted in the Dar variety, and standard in the Alladin variety. The obtained research results confirm that the productivity of potato tubers depends on the variety, the type of microfertilizer, and also the norms of its application.

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