
Since the dawn of April 15, 1912, the world has witnessed the construction of larger ships, some already dismantled or resting at the bottom of the oceans, while others remain in circulation. However, none has achieved the same level of fame and significance in naval, literary, and cinematic history as the Royal Mail Ship Titanic. From 1912 to the present day, the Titanic has captured the imagination, fueling dreams and nightmares alike. The Titanic's story is widely known, and its data has been utilized in numerous studies, comprising records of various variables and natures, with generalizability to diverse situations. In this study, researchers will employ regression models, a vital statistical tool for analyzing relationships between variables. Specifically, the study aims to intricately describe the construction of such models using a dataset on the Titanic tragedy, while acknowledging its limitations. Understanding these limitations is essential for making informed decisions about when and how to utilize linear regression, and when alternative methods may be more suitable.

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