
The publications of the Research Institute for Press Studies were examined for the presence in them of information about the pseudonyms of Ukrainian journalists, editors, publishers, publicists and biographical information about the creators and authors of Ukrainian periodicals; the quantitative parameters of these data are established. It is emphasized that the largest array of biographical information, as well as data on the used pseudonyms, is contained in the materials for the encyclopedic dictionary «Ukrainska zhurnalistyka v imenakh». It is noted that the professional yearbook is also an extremely important source of pseudonymous signatures «Zbirnyk prats Naukovo-doslidnoho instytutu presoznavstva», reports and announcements of twelve scientific and practical conferences «Ukrainska periodyka: istoriia i suchasnist», historical and bibliographic studies «Ukrainska presa v Ukraini ta sviti XIX–XX st.» and «Ukrainski chasopysy Lvova 1848–1939», materials for the bibliography of «Periodyka Zakhidnoi Ukrainy 20–30-kh rr. XX st.», as well as numerous monographs and press research works carried out at the Research Institute for Press Studies. It was established that, in general, biographical information about more than 5,500 people involved in the creation of Ukrainian periodicals of the 19th–21st centuries, and about 9,000 of their pseudonyms, is recorded on the pages of these press studies publications. It is emphasized that this significant array of data, systematized and analyzed, served as the basis for the creation of the «Slovnyk psevdonimiv ukrainskykh avtoriv XIX – XXI st.», which is extremely important not only for the history of Ukrainian periodicals and press studies in general, but also for literary studies, history, biography and prosopography. Keywords: publications of the Research Institute for Press Studies, pseudonyms of Ukrainian authors, biographical materials, historical and bibliographical research, Ukrainian periodicals, dictionary of pseudonyms.

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