
The article substantiates insufficient knowledge of the history of the formation and development of clinical (medical) psychology, demonstrates the small volume and content scarcity of relevant foreign and domestic historiography, singles out a number of unresolved theoretical problems. The purpose of the study was to determine the main theoretical problems of the history of clinical (medical) psychology, the research tasks were to identify problems in this area of knowledge, analyze them and find possible solutions. As research methods, a comparative historical, bibliographic, historical event method and a method for developing periodization of the historical process were used. Such theoretical problems of the history of clinical (medical) psychology as problems of periodization, ‘localization’ and differentiation of the history of medical psychology and the history of psychiatry as well as the main ways to solve them were identified. As a solution to the problem of periodization of the history of clinical psychology, three grounds have been proposed. The history of clinical psychology can be implemented as a history of changes in ideas about the mental norm, pathology and treatment; as a history of the evolution of medical and psychological diagnostics; as an institutional history. The problem of ‘localization’ the history of clinical psychology can be solved by writing ‘local’ (‘national’) stories. The problem of differentiating the history of clinical psychology and psychiatry, apparently, cannot be solved completely, but a partial solution can be found by relying on three criteria: differentiation in the line of ideas about norm/pathology and treatment, in the line of psychodiagnosis methods and in the institutional line.

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