
The article summarizes the essence of the concepts «risk», «entrepreneurial risk». The aim of the article is the systematization of classification signs of business risks; the nature of business risks in accordance with established classification. The following research methods are used: abstract-logical, comparative analysis, statistical, monographic, tabular and dialectical. It is established that the timely identification of risk situations will contribute to the solution of problems and long-term development of the enterprise. Entrepreneurial risk is associated with awareness of danger, threat, unreliability, negative manifestations of chance and uncertainty. Under the entrepreneurial risk we understand the probability of adverse events in the process of production, marketing and financial activities, as a result of which business entities may suffer losses, expenses, shortfall in income. The reasons for the emergence of entrepreneurial risks: instability of economic and political development, credit policy, pricing mechanism and inflation processes, inconsistency among themselves of normative and legislative acts regulating entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine. Improved approach to the classification of business risks on a number of grounds: the principal activities of the company, the degree of influence on enterprise activity, sources of origin, duration in time, the possibility of prediction, scale effects, types, level of loss, action time. Systematization of classification features of business risks allows to develop methods of their management and to determine the causes. Formed methods of reducing business risk: risk distribution between participants of business activities; insurance risk; provision for contingencies; the neutralization of private risks; risk mitigation in terms of financing. In further studies, it is necessary to develop a mechanism for managing business risks.

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