
Introduction. The training of specialists with higher education of various specialties in modern conditions requires the search and implementation of new approaches to teaching various educational subjects. In particular, this concerns the psychological analysis of various situations, which must be taught to be carried out during the training of future professional psychologists. As educational, it is advisable to use situations depicted in movies, artistic ones in particular, selected in a certain way. But even if there is an opportunity to acquaint stu-dents with the procedure of increasing psychological analysis, they are exposed to significant difficulties in its implementation. Therefore, it was decided to use the focused interview method to activate this process. This circumstance makes the task of careful consideration of this topic urgent.Purpose. To consider the possibilities of studying edu-cational situations by the method of focused interview in the preparation of future professional psychologists.Methods. Analysis, synthesis, systematization, speci-fication, generalization.Results. The possibilities of using the focused inter-view method for psychological analysis of various situa-tions in the educational process in the training of future professional psychologists are considered.Originality. For the first time, the application of the fo-cused interview method for the psychological analysis of real situations for educational purposes in the training of future professional psychologists was considered and implemented in practice.Conclution.1. The review of scientific publications on the topic of the study made it possible to find out that in the works of scientists there are developments necessary for the use of the focused interview method, in particular, for the implementation of psychological analysis in the educational process.2. Known scientific developments, as well as our own experience in training professional psy-chologists, allow us to clarify the peculiarities of the pro-cess of psychological analysis for educational purposes, using the focused interview method, which can be used in the educational process.3. The proposed procedure for conducting psychological analysis proved to be suitable for solving educational tasks in the process of training future professional psychologists, meets the current re-quirements for training specialists in higher education, takes into account theexisting features of their training and education, and allows for the optimization of the educational process

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