
The sanctuary of Dydrypsh, which is located on the territory of the Achandara village in Bzyb region of Abkhazia, is revered by all Abkhazian society. According to local residents, not only the sanctuary is the main one, but also its priest, who currently conducts rituals during public prayers. The article highlights three key topics related to this sacred place. Primarily these are pre-revolutionary sources and the information about the sanctuary contained in them, as well as scientific literature on this topic. Special attention is paid to the priests from the Chichba clan, who were first mentioned in the 19th century. It is not possible to establish the historical period when the clan received this privilege, as well as the moment when they became the main priests in Abkhazia. Of particular interest is the story of obtaining the priesthood by the Chichba clan from the Achba princes, which appeared in the research literature only in the 20th century. The third topic addressed in the article is the practice of prayer in the sanctuary. In the communications of the 19th century, detailed descriptions of various kinds of oaths are given as well as information about what punishment the criminal should suffer from the point of view of the victim. It is important to note the transformation of these oaths, which are currently prohibited by the Council of priests.

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