
ABSTRACT. Modern chemical-warfare (CW) reconnaissance tasks require a fundamentally new approach to the development of methods and technologies to create a database of technical means that provide the necessary sensitivity, responsiveness and specificity. This phase of the study involves chemical control equipment that is in operational service with EU and NATO armies. Objective: analysis of current international technological standards in the field of control of chemical warfare agents, which are in operational service with EU and NATO armies. Materials and Мethods. Domestic and foreign sources of scientific information, covering current issues of CBRN security in terms of chemical substances control equipment in EU and NATO countries and review of the prospects of their introduction into the arsenal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The following methods of scientific research were applied: analytical, historical, bibliographic, systematic and informational approach, expert assessments. Results and Discussion. The analysis of foreign chemical control equipment showed that the most priority are portable gas alarms, robotic and air complexes of CW reconnaissance with the possibility of remote detection of the contaminated area, their integration into automated control systems, which provide prompt collection, processing and transfer of information on changing the chemical environment. As for modern chemical control tools in EU and NATO countries in the field of detection and identification of chemical warfare agents and hazardous chemicals, chemical, physical and chemical, biochemical and spectrometric methods are the most applied due to the speed and high reliability of the results. Currently, there is a need to equip the units of the tactical branch of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Preventive Medicine Service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine with a multi-purpose warning system of radiation and chemical threats. The compatibility of the warning and troop commanding system will reduce the loss of military personnel and machines during possible combat operations using weapons of mass destruction, as the systems will increase the speed of decision making on the use of individual and collective protective equipment. Conclusion. Harmonization of the standards of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with NATO standards in the field of chemical control is a complex task that requires changes in the system of standards of medical care, which include regulatory, engineering, tactical, medical, educational, and other processes. National scientific and technical potential may be the basis for the creation of new and improved technologies for the production of CW reconnaissance devices and means to indicate chemical warfare agents (CWA) for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Keywords: military toxicology, chemical weapon, identification of chemical warfare agents.

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