
The article examines the current scientific problem - conceptual changes in the system of general secondary education due to integration processes in the basic science of natural sciences. They consist in actualizing the creation in the educational environment of integrated courses of natural sciences, the formation of which is carried out on a new basis. Integration processes by academic disciplines with their specific objects of study, which include elements of different components of disciplines, considered comprehensively and qualitatively. The methodology of teaching natural sciences has accumulated a significant number of problems that need to be addressed. Among them are such as the problem of integration of an extensive system of scientific knowledge, updating of methods, tools and forms of organization of education. As a result of the integration processes in fundamental natural science, integrated natural science courses, the formation of which is carried out on a new basis, again become relevant and in demand in pedagogy. Integrative processes involve the creation of integrated disciplines, which include elements of individual natural components of the disciplines, considered comprehensively and qualitatively. In the context of the implementation of integrated disciplines in the educational process, the study of the lesson as the main form of organization of the educational process and its features becomes relevant. It is established that the results of research by M. Danilov and M. Skatkin on the terminology and content of the concept of "lesson", which is represented by a holistic and complex system that includes the acquisition of knowledge, development of mind and worldview, education of feelings and personal qualities, formation of competencies, evaluative judgments, etc. In addition, the article finds that the structural construction of the lesson resembles a schematic construction of scientific knowledge: initial facts → problem statement → hypothesis → construction of an abstract model → introduction of a system of concepts, laws, principles → theoretical derivation of consequences and their experimental verification. The main form of organization of educational classes of the modern education system continues to be a lesson, both for the usual academic discipline and for the integrated academic discipline. But in accordance with the goals and objectives of the integrated discipline, the lesson of the integrated discipline has its own specifics that determine its structure and content. The article shows the features that determine this specificity. The author points out that the systematic construction of the lesson of integrated academic discipline is based on the theory of problem-based learning M. Makhmutov. Based on this theory, the objectives of the lessons of the integrated course of natural orientation and teaching aids are formulated, which include the following: integrative task, interdisciplinary problem situation, research and experimental projects, complex practice-oriented tasks, educational experiment and more. The article considers these tools and gives practical examples of their implementation. Based on the results of the study, conclusions are made and directions for further research on this topic are proposed. Key words: integrated academic discipline, lesson, organization of educational process, natural science competence, integrated learning.

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