
Statement of the problem. Article presents an overview of theoretical positions and studies devoted to the formation of students’ motivation, considered as certain human actions aimed at achieving a goal, as well as being one of the conditions for successful self-organization. The purpose of the article is to characterize the features of the motives of educational activity among students from cadet schools and Mariinsky female gymnasiums, depending on the level of self-organization. Research methodology. Theoretical and methodological basis of research includes the following approaches: a systematic approach: the principle of consistency, the principle of development (L.I. Antsyferova, B.A. Drummers, I.V. Blauberg, B.F. Lomov, E.G. Yudin, etc.), activity-based approach: the principle of determinism, the principle of unity of consciousness and activity (K.A. Abulkhanova, A.G. Asmolov, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, V.D. Shadrikov, etc.), and subject-developmental approach: the principle of balance between individual and the public (a. Adler, A. Maslow, K. Rogers, K.A. Abulkhanova, S.L. Rubinstein, E.A. Sergienko, L.V. Slobodchikov, etc.). The study involved 920 students of the cadet and female gymnasium education system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory aged 12 to 17. The research was based on the regional state educational organizations with the specialized name “cadet (sea cadet) corps” and the regional state educational organizations of the Mariinsky female gymnasium, as well as the regional state autonomous educational institution “Regional boarding school for work with gifted children “Cosmonautics School”. We used the following for diagnostics: the “Methodology for diagnosing the type of school motivation” in high school students by E. Lepeshova, and “Methodology for diagnosing personal time disorganizers” by O.V. Kuzmina. Statistical data processing included comparison of samples and analysis of the interdependence of features. To compare the samples, the Mann Whitney U-test was used, the correlation analysis was based on the calculation of the Spearman correlation coefficient. Research results. The key reasons leading to unproductive organization of the activity of students in cadet schools and Mariinsky gymnasiums are emotional tension and emotional apathy. Organizational disorganizers associated with the lack of skills in planning, setting priorities, ability to work on one problem for a long time, desire to postpone duties. Internal motives of learning related with knowledge, self-development, self-realization are noted in a small number of students. There is a high level of motivation associated with awareness of social need for education, prestige of education in a family, with approval of parents. The motives associated with the approval of teachers, classmates, and the prestige of studying in the classroom are mostly presented at a low level. The value-semantic disorganizers of time and emotional apathy have direct interrelationships in all other parameters of personal disorganizers. Conclusion. Understanding the interrelationships of the parameters of personal time disorganizers and the key motives of adolescents will increase the overall level of self-organization among students and help competently organize psychological work during the educational process in closed educational institutions.

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