
The psychological and pedagogical conditions of professional self-development skills formation of future psychologists of the civil defense service are researched in the article. The interpretation of the concept of ‘professional self-development of future psychologists of the civil defense service’ has been clarified, which is a conscious independent educational and cognitive activity aimed at professional and personal improvement, considering personal needs and aspirations. The correlation of ‘self-development’, ‘independent cognitive activity’, ‘self-education’, ‘self-cognition’, ‘professional and creative self-realization’, ‘self-improvement’ has been established. Self-development contributes to self-awareness deepening, improving existing skills and acquiring new ones; increasing the sense of self-worth; development of spirituality; identifying one’s own potential; implementation of plans and ideas; formation of life prospects; implementation of personal development plans; improvement of ‘soft’ skills, etc. of the future psychologists of the civil defense service. It was determined that the psychological and pedagogical conditions of professional self-development skills formation of future psychologists of the civil defense service are: the awareness of the essence of self-development and its importance in the process of psychologist’s personality realization; formation of the interest in the process of professional self-development as a guarantee of moral and spiritual growth of the individual; a specially organized educational environment with appropriate psychological and pedagogical support. Such conditions also facilitate the process of adaptation of future psychologists to the academic institution surrounding and promote their socialization, as well as the formation of skills for independent educational and cognitive activity, observation and diagnosis of the level of professional self-development skills formation, ensuring the appropriate level of reflection, the formation of tolerance and generally accepted models behavior, encouragement to display creative abilities, etc.

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