
The study aims to establish the fact of the transposition of the temporal meaning of futurality to non-finite verb forms in a certain lexico-grammatical (narrow) context. The paper presents a context-based analysis of a corpus of examples from English-language fiction in which an action expressed by a non-finite verb form possesses the meaning of the future tense. It is found that the transfer of the temporal meaning of futurality to a non-finite form occurs due to the modal connotations of verbs in a finite form combined with these non-finite verb forms. This is confirmed by transformational analysis, namely: the combination of a verb (with modal connotative semantics) with a non-finite verb form is easily transformed into a complex sentence with a future tense finite verb form (instead of a non-finite one). The scientific novelty of the study lies in establishing the fact of the transposition of the meaning of the future tense to a non-finite verb form in the construction ‘V (a verb with a modal meaning) + Ving (a non-finite verb form)’. Therefore, this construction can be considered as one of the ways of expressing the future tense in English. As a result of the study, a minimal lexico-grammatical context that promotes the transposition of the meaning of futurality from a finite verb form to a non-finite one has been established.

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