
The aim of the study is to demonstrate that the presence of an independent functional style of Aviation English indicates the existence of prerequisites for the formation of functional styles inherent in other professional languages, taking into account the peculiarities of their architectonics and the conditions in which they are used. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that until now, the specific characteristics of the functional style of a professional language that make it an independent linguistic phenomenon have not been defined. The paper is the first to formulate the mandatory requirements for the architectonics of a professional language as a combination of its lexical, grammatical and phonetic systems used for communication by specialists in various fields and for the characteristic features of speech situations in a domain of professional activity. As a result, it is proven that only a fully formed architectonics of a particular professional language, allowing it to be used effectively in typical speech situations, makes it possible to determine whether this professional language has a full-fledged independent functional style.

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