
The article presents the results of studies of the cryptosporidiosis course in dogs and the effectiveness of specific treatment of sick animals. It is established that gastroenteritis of dogs take the leading place among all internal diseases of animals. Often, diagnosis is based on clinical signs, and laboratory blood tests reflect the picture of metabolic processes in the body and determine the degree of effectiveness of certain organs. Unfortunately, a comprehensive examination to identify all the factors of the disease is extremely rare. Conducting of coprologic studies in the system of comprehensive examination opens up additional opportunities for assessing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Definition of the coprogram allows you to find out the state of functioning of individual departments of the gastrointestinal tract. Evaluation of the parasitofauna of the gastrointestinal tract also plays an extremely important role, allowing to determine the degree of influence of its representatives on the pathogenesis of gastroenteritis. Participation of parasites as etiological factors for gastroenteritis in dogs studied enough, especially for certain ecological and epizootic conditions. Given the information about the possibility of resident stay of cryptosporidium in the intestines of dogs, there was a need to study their role in the occurrence of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract of animals. In the structure of etiological factors, cryptosporidiosis-enteral protozoosis caused by intracellular parasites sporozoa and take up to 40%. It was determined that the causative agent is Cryptosporidium parvum , which is widespread and has a very wide species specificity. The main age group with a clinically pronounced course is young at the age of 3–12 months. Disease is inherent in the seasonal distribution – often seen in summer and virtually not recorded in winter. Clinical signs in dogs, patients with cryptosporidiosis were characterized by a pronounced gastroenteritis. Among the specific features is a watery diarrhea of greenish color, with an unpleasant odor and an admixture of mucus and blood veins. Coprological studies showed significant intensity of infestation. Analyzing the obtained laboratory picture, we have established a tendency to anemia, leukocytosis, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Such indicators are a sample of the inflammatory process, which is systemic in nature and is reflected in such parameters of the hematological profile. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is an indicator of redistribution of protein fractions of blood serum towards globulin. This is also confirmed by biochemical studies. Thus, against the background of the tendency to hypoproteinemia, there is a significant hypoalbuminemia and a tendency to an increase in globulin fraction proteins. The shift in the albumin-globulin ratio also indicates a state of inflammation in the body, a violation of the liver and pancreas. Indicators of the hepatobiliary system is the level of bilirubin pigment and the activity of serum transaminases. Our studies revealed significant hyperbilirubinemia with a significant increase in the level of conjugated bilirubin. Such indicators determine the malfunction of hepatocytes, which reduces the elimination of bilirubin, and certify the process of organic changes in the hepatobiliary system. The activity of transaminases of blood serum also confirms the defeat of the liver parenchyma. The most important and sensitive is the indicator of the activity gammaglutamyltranspeptidase (GGT). Thus, it can be argued about the development of reactive hepatitis. A significant significant increase in ALT and AST activity further confirms this position. We noted a significant increase in the activity of pancreatic enzymes – α-amylase and lipase, which indicates the development of acute-subacute pancreatitis. The increase in creatinine levels is tendentious, but urea levels are significantly increased. This range of indicators of nitrogen metabolism prefers liver damage, in which urea is not able to fully metabolize. Thus, the laboratory tests revealed the development of systemic inflammatory response, functional and organic disorders of the hepatobiliary system and pancreas, which were manifested by reactive hepatitis and acute-subacute pancreatitis. According to the study of the coprogram, the insufficiency of the small intestine digestion, violation of the enzymatic functions of the pancreas, biliary and biliary functions were also established. For specific treatment sick dogs highly effective it turned out the use of drug Brovaseptol in the form of injections according to instructions. After the course of treatment, its intensity was 100%. The results of the study of the efficacy of the drug Brovaseptol® showed its high anti-cryptosporidiosis effect. Given that the animals are well tolerated the drug and adverse reactions have not been identified, we can recommend the use of funds to combat cryptosporidiosis. You also need to pay attention to the fact that the relatively high frequency of parasitism of Cryptosporidium oocysts in young dogs and the presence of other protozoa in the composition pause determines the possibility of using the drug Browsepoll treatment of animals suffering from gastroenteritis of unknown etiology.

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