
One of the important directions of historical science development is the study of terminology in both historical documents and in historiography, since there is a certain gap between the language of the researcher and the language of the source, especially the medieval one. The article is dedicated to the terminology of the code of regulations of the church Council of 1551, which makes it possible to learn the views of the authors of the Stoglav on the social structure of society. In addition, it analyzes the vocabulary associated with elected institutions in society. This research changes the existing views of historiography on the social structure of society and institutions of representation, which differ significantly from the views of the authors of Stoglav, bringing us closer to historical reality. The numerous quotations given in the article reflect all the diversity and complexity of various social groups in the middle of the XVI century, indicating the absence of estates that were still being formed at this time. The study of Stoglav’s vocabulary related to various types of elective and representative institutions gives an idea that they play a very important role in the construction of a young unified state, reflecting, on the one hand, the traditions of the preceding period, on the other – emerging new trends.


  • One of the important directions of historical science development is the study of terminology in both historical documents and in historiography, since there is a certain gap between the language of the researcher and the language of the source, especially the medieval one

  • The article is dedicated to the terminology of the code of regulations of the church Council of 1551, which makes it possible to learn the views of the authors of the Stoglav on the social structure of society

  • Лексика текста Стоглава отражает все многообразие и сложность социальной структуры общества в XVI в., что свидетельствует об отсутствии сословий, которые еще только формируются

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Постановления Стоглава были направлены также на то, чтобы разграничить функции церковного и государственного суда («градский», «мирской»). У них в суде должны участвовать выборные старосты поповские и пятидесятские, десятские (по две-три недели), городские старосты и целовальники, а также земский дьяк, «которым ц(а)рь прикажет» А также священники, участвующие в суде, должны подписать судные списки, которые остаются у святительских бояр, и списки, которые остаются у целовальников.

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