
Internal training takes an important place in the personnel management system in organizations, ensuring the necessary level of competence of employees. The set of systems of in-house training of enterprises makes the labor potential of the country more adaptive, which is desirable taking into account the constant changes in market conditions. Society is interested in the constant improvement of working conditions. The increase in the standard of living as a whole determines the increase in the level of demands on the employer from the population, which also affects the organization of work with personnel. The subject of the study is the process of in-house training of personnel at the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant business. Methodology of the study is based on the involvement of the company's specialists for the development of training plans in other areas, for the implementation of the mentoring project, as well as in the implementation of the research results for their use at other enterprises. The purpose of the work is to analyze and improve systems of in-house personnel training. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the development of ways to improve the system of internal training of personnel at the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant business. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of practical recommendations for the use of a model for improving the system of in-house training of personnel at the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant business. Value/originality. A general idea of the system of in-house personnel training is presented. In the terminology of the work, training was defined as a purposeful process of organizing the activities of those who study with the acquisition of knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies, the acquisition of activity experience, the development of abilities, the acquisition of experience in the application of knowledge in everyday life and the formation of motivation for obtaining education throughout life. Internal training is defined as a systematic process of formation and development of professional skills, knowledge and abilities of personnel, necessary for improving the functioning of a specific firm, carried out by the firm's own forces on the basis of stimulation and development of employees' competencies. The specifics of the functioning of the internal training system at the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry have been studied. It was found that the specific features of in-house training in such organizations are the possible presence of their own training centers and programs, the presence of a significant budget for training, the geographical distance of hotels from training centers, the economic attractiveness of remote forms of training and mentoring. The main stages of the process of in-house training are considered, including in relation to the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant business. At the stage of personnel training planning, the need for personnel training is determined, the training goals and their quantitative characteristics (evaluation criteria) are determined. At the same time, the main participants in the process are management employees who create the regulatory and target aspects of the internal training system. At the stage of implementation, it is envisaged to identify the employees who will be trained, organize training and directly conduct training (application of personnel training methods). Students pass a test based on the results of their studies. Control and evaluation of training involves its monitoring and comparison of results with the specified criteria.

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