
The paper examines the current features of bank lending to agricultural enterprises in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. It is proved that the agricultural entrepreneurship of the compared countries’ economies increasingly needs the financial investments, necessary for the renewal and technological modernization of production. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the state of lending to agricultural enterprises in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, study its volume, identify the main directions of changes in its structure by type of credit services, as well as assess trends and prospects for its development. Section 1 of the article identifies the features of banks’ credit policy concerning lending to agricultural enterprises. It is presented the methodological approach to the comparative assessment of the development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. It is identified the main provisions of strategies for the development of agricultural production in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. It is substantiated features of banks’ credit policy in lending to agricultural enterprises, which restrain the active growth of lending to the agro-industrial complex. Section 2 of the article provides a comparative description of Ukraine and Kazakhstan in terms of credit support to the industry. It is established that the most attractive for bank lending are large agricultural enterprises in terms of production and yield. It is proved the importance of direct state financial support for economic entities of the agro-industrial complex through the mechanisms of cheaper loans and compensation of lease payments. In the final section, the authors highlight the key priorities of accelerating the development of bank lending to agricultural enterprises in Ukraine and Kazakhstan by increasing budget support, rational use of budget funds, lower interest rates for agriculture, improving methods of assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers with concern of specific production.

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