
Computed tomography is a vital need to know the structure of the inside of the body from the information obtained from its transillumination without destroying the shell. The format presented here forsolving this massively understandable problem, which can only be theoretical and mathematical with subsequent engineering implementation, is fundamentally expressed in the approximate formula established by the authors in 2019 in approximate formula on a plane with a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. In this article,this breakthrough is brought to a complete surprise in the equivalence of the fundamental problems of Computed Tomography and both widely known and developed in new content continuations of the problems of recovery functions by operators of the form of finite convolution of values approximated at the grid nodes with specially constructed kernels: \[sup\left\{{\left\|f\left(x\right)-\sum^N_{k=1}{{\left(R^2\right)}^{-1}Rf\left({\xi }_k\right)}R\left(\textrm{Ф}\left(y-{\xi }_k\right)\right)(x)\right\|}_{W^{{\left\|y\right\|}^{\frac{s-1}{2}}}_2\left(S^{s-1}\times R^1\right)}: f\in W^{әlpha \left(y\right) \cdot{\left\|y\right\|}^{\frac{s-1}{2}}}_2\left(S^{s-1}\times R^1\right)\right\}әsymp \] \[әsymp sup\left\{{\left\|f(x)-\sum^N_{k=1}{f\left({\xi }_k\right)}\textrm{Ф}(x-{\xi }_k)\right\|}_{L^2\left(E_s\right)}: f\in W^{әlpha \left(y\right)}_2\left(E_s\right)\right\},\] As is customary in Mathematics (in other sciences too), any claim for a breakthrough must be demonstratedin results of fundamental importance. In the resulting equivalence, the working part turned out to be in astate of enough for illustrative and, necessary, fundamental conclusions readiness according to the ComputerScience offered by the first author (according to the list) in 1996 and filled in Kazakhstan with far from trivialcontent of the Computational (numerical) diameter (C(N)D). Namely, a wide range of developments in thetheory of C(N)D instantly automatically leads to new theoretical and direct practical applications of advances in Computed Tomography, including analytic expressibility in explicit formulas of the computational aggregates of Tomography in terms of scanned quantities. Among them is also the conclusion that in Computed Tomographythere is no better scanning method than the Radon transform.

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