
Introduction. Maintaining the mental health of servicemen is the most important social and medical joint task of the Command of the Medical Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Current events in the country show that the psychological health of servicemen, both in peacetime and in wartime, is not only a medical, psychological, but also a psychiatric problem.Purpose. Development and substantiation of the concept of medical and psychological support of servicemen in order to prevent the occurrence and progression of mental disorders in servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.Originality. The essence of psychological support is to form in servicemen such a psychological resource that will allow to perceive extreme conditions of hostilities as normal conditions of military service: quickly identify and analyze the combat situation, identify threatening factors, respond to them in a timely manner, maintain the required level of combat readiness.The activity of psychological support is aimed, first of all, not at the action, but at the object and essence of military psychological activity - psychological support of servicemen during the entire service, starting from the military commissariats.Medical and psychological support of servicemen is an interdisciplinary dynamic system of social and medical and psychological actions aimed at adapting servicemen to the conditions of military service in various military formations, in peacetime and in wartime. Thanks to him, not only timely medical and psychological assistance is provided in crisis military-professional situations, but also mastering by servicemen of skills of providing psychological self- and mutual assistance in extreme (non-standard, stressful) conditions, which increases their stress resistance, professional adaptability, psychological endurance and accumulates. psychological resource of the serviceman's personality.In the course of the research, we singled out the concepts of “medical and psychological support”, “psychological selection”, “psychoprophylaxis” in the system of moral and psychological support. Substantiated and structured concept of medical and psychological support, which can be applied to different military units. The stages of psychological support and the scope of actions to be performed on each of them by psychologists (specialists in moral and psychological support) and doctors are determined. It is proved that a well-established mechanism of psychological support is important not only in everyday activities, but also during hostilities, because it helps to preserve the mental health of servicemen, prevent panic attacks in extreme combat conditions, the formation of a stable resource state of servicemen. allows them to perform combat (military-professional) tasks without distress overload.Conclusion. The article considers the concept of medical and psychological support of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The content of medical and psychological support is to identify, analyze, assess the dynamics of socio-psychological climate in military teams, direct monitoring of the mental state of servicemen, providing medical and psychological assistance in difficult psychological conditions of military service, monitoring and adjusting socio-psychological processes teams.

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