
Educational Objectives. Nonpsychotic mental disorders in children, bio-psycho-social assistance to children with mental and behavioral disorders, Center for comprehensive psychosocial rehabilitation of children, medical and psychological support, multi-modal system of providing medical and psychological assistance, psychotherapy is combined with animal-assisted therapy, psychocorrectional work in the «in / out door» system. Purpose. Develop a medical and psychological treatment system, support and prophylaxis disadaptive psychological disorders in children. Methods. Diagnostic and advisory work, correctional work, rehabilitation work, social and psychological work, methodical work. Results. After the medical and psychological adjustment in four study groups (children with F90.0 – 1 st group, F94 – 2 nd group, F81 – 3 rd group and F82 – 4 th group) the following results were obtained: -Positive’+’ marker of social adaptation (the stabilization of family relationships, positive academic performance and normalization of interpersonal relationships with peers) in 1 st group was 74,5%, in 2 nd group – 86,0%, in 3 rd group –50,0% and in 4 th group – 48,1%; The conclusions 1. The system of medical and psychological support for children with mental and behavioral disorders. 2. The basic criteria for the effectiveness of medical and psychological treatment: the formation of a constructive type of family relationships and social adaptation. 3. Testing results on the primary stage of the work of the Center has demonstrated its effectiveness in 74.5% of children diagnosed with F 90, in 86.0% - with F 94, in 50.0% - with F 81 and in 48.1% with F 82, who underwent medical and psychological correction.

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