
The method of chimeric meshes is applied to simulate the propagation of elastic perturbations in media containing porous and fractured inclusions. A model of a linearly elastic isotropic medium is considered, which describes the state of a geological rock. The grid-characteristic method with the third-order accurate Rusanov scheme is used for numerical modeling of the dynamic propagation of elastic disturbances. Special attention is paid to the presence of separate inclusions of pores or fractures, which introduce heterogeneity into the medium and can substantially influence the response of elastic disturbances. The use of the chimera grid method allows for both the position and shape of such inclusions to be described explicitly, taking into account their influence on the propagation of elastic disturbances. As a result of the conducted investigation, a methodology for numerical modeling of the propagation of elastic disturbances in media with porous and fractured inclusions was developed, which can be used to assess the influence of such inclusions on the dynamic response of elastic disturbances. The presented results can be applied in geophysical and seismic research related to modeling the dynamics of various processes in soils and rocks.

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