
The article has been devoted to the description of colour names in the aspect of their functioning in belles-lettres style and their adequate rendering in artisic translation from English into Ukrainian. Nominations of colour have been investigated as linguistic units with semantic sustainability, high adaptiveness, and variability depending on the author’s cultural background and experience. Colour names have been studied as linguistic and cultural symbols, charged by certain mentality and expressiveness. The topic of the research is up-to-date in the paradigm of the functional-communicative approach to translation. In the focus of the research there are various types of colour names and the peculiarities of rendering English colour names in Ukrainian translation. The research is done on the basis of the long short stories “Dandelion Wine” by Ray Bradbury and “The Great Gatsby” by Francis Scott Fitzerald. The colour names’ semantics is realized in belles-lettres texts on linguistic, extralinguistic and cultural levels. It has been proved that colour names often have symbolic meaning in artistic texts. Being associated with the author’s mentality and world outlook, symbols are relevant for artistic translation in general. Thus, it has been resumed that adequate rendering of colour names is essential for faithful translation. To preserve scientific specificity of the source text, in particular in the aspect of redering the semantics of colour names, translators employ proper translation operations according to the chosen translation strategy of the communicatively relevant translation. Translation transformations are the most widely distributed among other operations at work. The perspective is seen in further investigation of colour names on the different linguistic material and in other Indo-European languages.

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