
The article examines the main trends in the development of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant sector, which is promising, brings a fairly high profit and develops rapidly. The reasons for the negative impact on business activity in the hospitality industry are highlighted. The competitive advantages of enterprises in the hospitality market, one of the directions of which is the production of technological innovations, are studied. The quality of service when attracting new and retaining existing customers is analyzed. Problems in the activities of hotel and restaurant enterprises are indicated. The hotel business is one of the most important areas of today's fast-growing economy. The activity and development of the hotel industry is an activity from both an economic and social point of view. The hotel and restaurant business has a high potential for development for the economy as a whole and, in particular, for individual regions related to the maintenance of tourist flows. This business stimulates entrepreneurial activity, creates jobs, increases budget revenues at various levels. The main feature of the demand for hotel services is the response to factors that depend on government policy, the level of competition, technological innovation, social relations, international relations. Rapid changes in the hotel business contribute to the emergence of new impetus to strengthen competitive positions, as the use of reserves alone does not guarantee a stable income, operation and business development. Tracking and implementing modern global business trends improve the quality of services, increase competitiveness, the image of the hotel and restaurant company, which makes it attractive and unique to customers.

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