
姓名字母效应表现为个人对于自己名字的组成字符有着相对于其他字符的偏好,反映了个体对于自我以及和自我有关的事物的内隐积极态度,常被作为考察内隐自尊的一个重要指标。文章介绍了姓名字母效应的研究程序与记分方法、以姓名字母偏好任务研究内隐自尊的有关发现以及姓名字母效应对于实际生活决策和任务成绩的影响,并在展望部分提出了需要进一步研究的问题及在中文语境下研究姓名字母效应的可行性。 Name-letter effect refers to the phenomenon that people evaluate the letters in their own names more favorably than letters that are not in their own names. It reflects an implicit positive attitude towards the self and self-related objects, thus, it can be used as an index of implicit self-esteem. The current paper introduced the procedures and scoring methods for name-letter effect, findings of using name-letter task, as well as its implications in life decisions and task performances. Two issues that remain for future research and the feasibility of studying name-letter effect in Chinese context were discussed.

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