
This study is to research and explore the combination of music appreciation and reading exercise, and its integration into the 9-year ‘Art and humanity’ courses, in the form of ‘class music & reading event. The researcher bases the study group at the bilingual elementary school she teaches, focusing on the 9th year students. This is in hope to amend and improve the course teaching ideology, the planning of the teaching events, as well as evaluate the students’ learning process and learning outcome; as well as further developments and suggestions of the teachers. This study thus hopes that through the re-evaluation and teaching process, an assessment of the ‘class music & reading event’ program can be carried out, and a reference to other senior elementary year teachers can be established. Through this study, the following conclusions can be made: 1. Music teachers can use music stories, operas, ballets, musicals or even oratorios’ storyline, using simple methods to guide the students’ musical interest, and elevate their abilities. 2. Referring to literature, the senior elementary students’ interest in reading exercises should be explored and various reading be encouraged to develop their linguistic intellect. 3. In accordance to the difficulties the ‘class music & reading event’ teaching has run into, the study suggest the following method to overcome such issues: (1) The design of course and the selection of material: the first and foremost issue of the ‘class music & reading event’ faces is the selection of material; the selection must be of literature basis but at the same time possesses the musical advantage. Therefore the course must be thoroughly designed to arouse the student’s interest and encourage their learning. (2) The teacher: the teacher of the ‘class music & reading event’ must have the ability to teach in both literature and music appreciation. The teacher should also research in literature backgrounds, or ask for guidance from experts and masters, in order to solve arising issues. The preparation must be sufficient; assistance from the helpful parents can also be obtained to allow the event going smoothly. (3) The use of multimedia: CDs and DVDs for musical appreciation are very commonly obtained. But the teacher must make the effort to select and review the content; converting the content into a PowerPoint presentation is another useful option, it will also help the teachers integrate their abilities in information technology into teaching, so as to coincide with the theory of ‘music & reading event’, to avoid the event become a purely video viewing course, and lose track of the actual musical appreciation aspect. (4) The students’ ability to read should be promoted with the joint effort of the parents, and the school. The teacher can refer to the ‘reading account book’ the researcher’s school uses; each semester, in accordance to the accumulated points on the reading account, the students are given the honours of ‘Dr. of reading’ or ‘MA of reading’, so as to encourage the reading interest of the entire school. 4. Through the teaching design, execution, recollection, amendments of the ‘class music & reading event’, the study’s conclusion and analysis has raised concrete suggestions of musical education and reading education, as well as future researches.

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