
The paper deals with some issues of cultural and chronological interpretation of the earliest burial cremations in the forest Tomsk Ob' River region – early burials of Tomsk burial ground, Old Muslim cemetery, Samus' burial ground, Baturinsky Island burial ground; the author considers the historiography of the issue in the Russian archaeological publications of the 1950s – 2000s. The attribution of Novokuskovo and Igrekovo burial mounds to the late NeolithicEneolitic period is proved by the data of planigraphy, comparative study and the results of radiocarbon dating. Based on the burial complexes material, the author describes a possible plot of cultural interaction between autochthonous Upper Ob' populations (Kiprino, Irbino, Novokuskovo cultures) and people coming from forest areas of Western Siberia (Igrekovo cultural community).

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