
Intertextuality is expressed in different forms, one of the most common among them is parody. The object of parody usually becomes high-law works, as the comic effect of distorting their usual appearance turns out to be easily predictable and accessible to a wide audience. It is natural that public attention is often offered parody versions of canonical confessional texts fundamental to any religion. In such cases, the inversion of universal opposition is realized sacral/ profiled, and the resonance result is achieved, as a rule, by using genre-stylistically heterogeneous language units for it in the presentation of the constant plot. Two paraevangelia are considered as examples of such parodies. One written by D. Bedny in 1925, the other by M. Schilman in 1990. In both cases, the authors apply the reception of the transmission of well-known fabular moves and their characters by lexico-phraseological means alien to the Church Slavic element. However, the supposed intences of the writers vary markedly. D.Bedny is an active participant of the anti-religious campaign of the first Soviet years, executor of the state campaign order; M. Schilman is an obvious henchman of propaganda operations of so-called restructuring aimed at destroying the state. Atheistic events were intended to replace Orthodox religion with communist ideology; Reconstruction and reform manipulations involved the destruction of sacred values in general. The study leads to the conclusion that, in many ways, similar modifications of fundamental religious texts are undoubtedly different from each other by inducible impulses of public consciousness.

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