
Abstract. The article analyzes core reasons for the German language adaptation of a significant amount of foreign loan words, i. e. the words that were borrowed from the English language (anglicisms) and specificities of their usage in the German linguistic space. A big emphasis is also placed on the issues of the translation of anglicisms, that are often found in German texts, in the Ukrainian language and the factors that contribute to the high-quality preparation of pandits of the linguistic field. The purpose of the research is to analyze the difficulties which linguists may encounter when translating English loan words in German texts into the Ukrainian language. Results of the research. Anglicisms (i . e. English loan words) are widely used in many languages of the world, in the German language specifically, due to multiple reasons which include the loss of national self-identification after the Germany’s defeat in the Second World War, the increase in the intensity of international relations and the influence of American culture among the German youth. Miscellaneous English words function as synonyms or shorter and easier alternatives to a lot of sophisticated and intricate German words, help people to identify themselves as a part of a certain group, name novelties which hasn’t yet acquired their proper names in the German language and distance the speaker from the effect of some certain negative occurances in the society. The translation of some English words in the German language can be rather difficult, since some of them have acquired another meanings and definition. The interaction of the two languages also causes people to make more grammar mistakes. The process of German adapting a lot of English words contributed to the merging of two languages which now has its own name – Denglish. This mix of English and German can now be seen in public writings, online blogs and articles as well as can be frequently heard in the streets of Germany since Denglish gradually becomes youth’s language. The translation of these linguistic units can be very challenging due to various reasons such as the changes in the meanings of some words when they enter the vocabulary of another language, the absence of words naming certain items or occurrences in a receptor language and the irrelevance of some of the alternatives. It is very likely that every linguist, interpreter or German teacher will come across those land words on the daily basis throughout their whole career. Therefore it is crucial for scientists in this area to possess decent skills in translating these tricky linguistic units.

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