
The formation of students' speech skills is a very important problem of pedagogical education. This is especially true for students who have a related profession to acting - future teachers. After all, the task of teachers is to positively influence the consciousness of the younger generation for the education of socially active citizens, conscious, responsible individuals, creators of a better future for our society.The technique of the teacher's speech is a basic component of professional skill, which is associated with the formation and manifestation of the pedagogical voice, phonation breathing, clear diction and is a means of pedagogical influence. All elements of speech technique in pedagogical speech as one of the types of professional activity are realized.The dominant element of speech technique is the voice. It provides intonation, the creation of adequate to the design of the tonal characteristics of a particular expression. It is a professional "tool" of the teacher.The pedagogical voice is a professionally formed voice, which fully provides the sound range of pedagogical communication. Its features are: high volume, wide dynamic and pitch range, variety of timbres, melodiousness, adaptability, suggestiveness, volatility, noise resistance, flexibility, stability, endurance, it reveals the specifics of other professional voices and complements a number of professional voices - vocal voice, team voice, stage (acting) voice, narrator's voice.The first condition for the development of speech skills in the process of professional training of students is - the successful functioning of technology, i.e. the intensity of learning speech techniques in order to translate actions-exercises into pedagogical skills.It can be realized on the principle of differentiated selection of theoretical material, as a material "practically working", i.e. "serving" certain skills. Only information is selected that helps to understand the essence of the exercises and the technique of their implementation, and which will help in the independent work of the student.Thus, the theoretical consideration of the components of speech technique and awareness of their features create conditions for the development of the necessary techniques, technologies aimed at the formation of speech skills.The second condition is communicativeness, understood as the inclusion of exercises in the real practice of communication of the teacher in order to obtain constant feedback.Calling speech technique a component of communicativeness, we thus emphasize that all preparatory work should be based on achieving a high level of communication efficiency, when the exchange of information between interlocutors is carried out with minimal effort, and it is clear what, to whom and for what purpose (with what intentions) said.The real functioning of breathing, articulation and voice, in a communicative act, ensuring optimal pedagogical communication at the level of oral (acoustic) interaction; bringing to a professional level: "polishing" the voice, diction, breathing in different pedagogical situations, in direct contact with students, their parents and colleagues. - This is the main task of the teacher-educator, which must be solved and why it is necessary to learn.The third condition for the successful implementation of learning technologies is the organization of independent work on speech technique. Each methodical technique is implemented in specific exercises, which are selected depending on the individual characteristics of the performer.To consolidate the speech skills, the basis of which is laid in the classroom, it is necessary for students to train the language apparatus. Work on daily exercises for the development of combined breathing, clear pronunciation of sounds and sound combinations. Constant control over the sound quality of the voice and the clarity and standardization of speech should become a common process in the structure of professional training of speech skills of future teachers.For a professional, harmonious, meaningful interaction of the teacher with the audience, it is necessary to know and master the technique of speech action, this is the fourth condition.There is an important connection - if the teacher speaks well, diction is clear, expressive, voice, speech are melodious - then the listeners hear him/her well. If he/she has a beautiful timbre range, "paints with the voice of thought" - teacher is well understood. If the teacher is inspired, clearly intones, using the bright subtext of a living word empathizing with what is said, then the listeners feel the speaker, worried with him/her.Accordingly, the external technique of speech action provides the opportunity to hear the word, understand and feel. Namely, this is the basis of the art of speech - the speech skills of the teacher, a manifestation of intelligence, education and respect for students.Thus, the formation of speech technique in students, future teachers is a leading condition for the development of speech skills, communication in professional activities.

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