
The purpose of the article is a study of the basic principles, methods, models and tools of managing the ecological and economic security of economic structures. One of the challenges of the long-term future is to increase the growth constraints associated with environmental factors, with the increase of environmental and economic risks and environmental risks, including the occurrence of large-scale emergencies of varying nature. In this regard, further improvement of the ecological and economic safety management systems of production facilities, the creation of subsystems of preliminary ecological and economic risk assessment and the development of measures to reduce these risks are necessary. Accordingly, the principles, methods and tools of environmental and economic risk assessment must meet current requirements for the levels of danger of all aspects of the negative impact on the environment, personnel of the enterprise and the population of the region.Insufficient study of this problem, the need to scientifically substantiate the methodology and practice of improving the system of environmental and economic security management based on environmental risks have led to the choice of research topic.Methodology. The development of methodological aspects of environmental and economic security management involves defining the principles, approaches and methods that form the basis and ensure the effectiveness of enterprise safety research.Results. The article explores the basic principles of environmental management of an economic entity, among them five main principles of compliance that will lead to the effective and efficient management of environmental and economic security. The methods of management of ecological and economic safety are analyzed, namely: organizational-administrative, social-psychological and economic. It is proved that the most effective is the combination of organizational, administrative and economic management methods, because the first to a greater extent reflect the interests of citizens about the quality of the environment, and the second - the economic interests of the nature of users. The models of management of ecological and economic security, which are based on economic mechanisms, are investigated. The main tools of environmental and economic security management are analyzed, the key of which is the environmental management system in the form of an integrated management system. The environmental management system is considered on the example of the integrated management system of the Public Joint Stock Company Azot.Practical implications. The environmental management system in the form of an integrated management system functions effectively and is improved, ensuring the achievement of the goals and objectives defined by the ecological and economic policy of the enterprise.Originality. In order to improve the functioning of the system of management of ecological and economic safety and environmental protection, in addition to technical and technological issues, it is necessary to solve organizational and managerial issues, one of such solutions may be to create an integration of the management system.Creating a comprehensive management system for environmental and economic security provides the enterprise with the effect of synergy of all elements, consisting in the optimal use of material and organizational resources required for the enterprise, with the organization of this system based on the principles of complexity, economy and use of a process approach to all stages of the product life cycle. in conjunction with a functional organization of activities that will allow the company to improve the effectiveness of management and environmental activities ness and create conditions for economic growth.

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