
The article examines the social and economic consequences of globalization and the peculiarities of their manifestation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The meaning of the term "globalization" is revealed. The emergence of the global economy due to the development of globalization processes and their contradictory nature is noted, as there is a big discrepancy between the positive impact of globalization on developed and underdeveloped countries. These aspects, which are under the influence of globalization, interact penetrating each other. Therefore, the economy and politics, social processes and the environment become interconnected. The statistics of world GDP for the period 2005-2020 are presented. The decline of the foresaid indicator during the crisis of 2008-2009 and the crisis of 2020 is compared. The reasons for the downfall of the world GDP in 2020 are given. Attention is drawn to the rising unemployment rate in Ukraine. Attention is paid to the enrichment of the oligarchs of the countries during the crisis caused by the coronavirus. Unequal growth in wealth of billioners and an increase in the average wage of citizens are present in Ukraine. Those factors reveal the decline in incomes during the pandemic and the accumulation of opulence of wealthy people. There is an increase in the number of rich and poor people in the world. The uneven income of different segments of the population is considered. Statistics on the number of poor people, who survive on less than $ 2 a day are provided. The growth in the percentage of poor population is not shown to be dependent on the state of the economy. The problems of job loss and employment in many countries of the world during the pandemic are highlighted, as companies are slowly resuming their work after the abolition of the lockdown. There are some proposals regarding the fair redistribution of wealth and solving the problems of the poor. Despite the above negative consequences, the globalization process in a pandemic has given impetus to the active development of IT technologies. Reorientation of all spheres of human activity to the use of new technologies and their introduction into production processes are continued to be implemented. The development of digitalization in many areas of activity is one of the ways to overcome the problems of unemployment.

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