
The main objective of the study is to analyze functional features of borrowings from the English language in the texts of journalistic style (on the example of the magazines «Ukrayinskyi Tyzhden»/«Ukrainian Week» and «Krayina»/«Country». In the process of the study, the following methods have been applied: the method of scientific description and observation, the essence of which consists in inventory and systematization, classification and interpretation of linguistic units, which makes it possible to establish the corpus of the analyzed Anglicism; the contextualsituational analysis of discourse used to study the features of functional characteristics of language units in the media text; the method of quantitative calculation, which is used to identify the relative frequency of using Anglicism in the research material. Despite a significant number of works of Ukrainian and foreign researchers devoted to the problems of usage of Anglicism in the language of the press, the features of their classification and functioning in the Ukrainian language in general, and the language of journalism in particular, have not received due scientific coverage, which determines the relevance of the scientific research. In the present study Anglicism is understood as a kind of borrowing; a word, its separate meaning, an expression, etc., borrowed from the English or translated from it or formed according to its pattern. Anglicisms are predominantly recognized by speakers as an alien element and retain the features of their origin. The analysis of the texts of «Ukrayinskyi Tyzhden»/«Ukrainian Week» has manifested that the magazine contains 75 anglicisms – 18% of all foreign words in the magazine. The magazine «Krayina»/«Country» uses 30 Anglicisms, or 14.5% of all borrowings. Anglicisms that are used on the pages of the analyzed magazines refer to the three main thematic spheres: «Person», «Artifacts», and «Environment».

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