
In her research work, O. Savchenko identified new conceptual foundations of pedagogical education related to its European integration processes: reforming the content of professional training of future teachers in the context of school education innovations and higher education standardization processes; introduction of the humanistic paradigm of education and upbringing of students; design of the individual educational trajectory of the applicants; implementation of a competence-oriented model of education in pedagogical higher education institutions. The scientist emphasized special attention on personally oriented professional education, designing the individual trajectory of professional development of each student during the of his studies. Unfortunately, this leading idea was not sufficiently implemented in practice for a long time. And only in modern conditions do we realize that the transition of university education to a student-centered model is becoming a through line of changes. This is reflected both in the development of educational programs based on the requests of education seekers, and in their more active involvement in the design of their studies, the creation of opportunities for choosing and constructing individual educational trajectories, and the development of a system of independent student evaluation of teachers' activities. In the scientific heritage of O. Savchenko, the problem of the formation of the «ability to learn» in future teachers, which she considered a meta-skill, is highlighted. The scientist claimed that mastery of this skill programs the acquisition of individual experience to become a successful teacher who knows how to prevent overloading of students, rationally use time, calmly and stress-free navigate in various life situations, independently search for sources of information, ways to solve non-standard problems. And in general, the ability to learn, according to O. Savchenko, changes the style of thinking, determines the ability to learn throughout life, creates guidelines for long-term and personally important learning incentives. The analysis of academician O. Savchenko's scientific heritage allows us to state that the scientist actively studied the experience of training future teachers in European countries. She had a unique ability to see better than others the examples of European practices of training future teachers and to submit her own ideas for their implementation in higher education institutions. The works of the famous pedagogue are an example of a successful combination of general theoretical provisions with practice, which testifies to high scientific achievements in the Ukrainian educational space. Key words: professional training of future primary school teachers, academician Oleхandra Savchenko's scientific heritage, European integration dimension, scientific achievements of an outstanding pedagogue.

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