
In the conditions of post-crisis functioning, the enterprises come up against the task of ensuring the sustainability of development, which is possible due to the formation of an effective mechanism for managing changes at the enterprise. Reengineering is a complex of means, measures, methods, including appropriate information technologies designed to dramatically improve the main indicators of the enterprise's activity. The introduction of the reengineering of business processes as an innovative method of strategic change management is undoubtedly relevant in the conditions of the activity of domestic enterprises in unsteady market conditions.The main method of solving the problem is the introduction of effective measures to manage strategic changes to obtain a positive economic and social effect from the redesign of business processes on the example of JSC "AutoKrAZ". The purpose of the work is to research the reengineering of business processes as a modern method of strategic change management, which will ensure a qualitatively new level of performance indicators of the enterprise in the post-crisis period of its functioning. The scientific article developed a mechanism for managing adaptive changes. The algorithm of reengineering of the enterprise is proposed. The advantages of the use of reengineering tools and means of their implementation are formulated. The organizational and economic mechanism of reengineering of business processes of production enterprises was implemented. The model of business processes of the highest level for the conditions of functioning of JSC "AutoKrAZ" is considered.The methodological basis of scientific research is a modern method of scientific research, among them: logical, dialectical, method of generalization, complex and systemic approaches – for improvement of conceptual apparatus of research; economic and statistical analysis – to determine the analysis of the current state of industrial enterprises; methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis – for the analysis of peculiarities of experience in the implementation of reengineering in advanced organizations; methods of a comprehensive approach – to justify the provisions of domestic reform of economic and legal mechanisms of work of production enterprises. The introduction of structural changes is proposed regarding to simplification of hierarchy, decentralization of management, use of adaptive structures, improvement of vertical and horizontal coordination of activity, the formation of a new team of experts in change management, implementation of measures to overcome the crisis and ensure development, support rationalization, inventiveness, energy saving. SWOT-analysis of the business processes of the production sector of automotive-building enterprise was introduced on the example of JSC "AutoKrAZ" and its competitors.

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