
Relevance. The relevance of this work is determined by the fact that the status of the prosecutor's office in co-ordinating activities to prevent criminal manifestations is not sufficiently determined. The scientific society actively continues to investigate its problems. A clear implementation of the function of coordinating the activities of law en-forcement agencies to combat crime will make the law enforcement system better and, of course, more focused on protecting citizens from lawlessness. The purpose article consists in determining the status of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation in coordination activities to prevent criminal manifestations. Objectives. Analyze the directions and forms of coordination work of law enforcement agencies to combat crime; formulate a number of proposals aimed at improving the effectiveness and quality of coordination activities of the prosecutor's office for the prevention and prevention of crimes. Methodology. In the process of working on the study, a set of general scientific methods of cognition (integrative, systemic and formally legal) used in modern jurisprudence were used. Results. Proposals were made on the development of methodological recommendations on coordination activities and the need to introduce special norms on coordination activities into the Law on the Prosecutor's Office - the consolidation of methods, principles, powers of prosecutors to prevent violations of laws. The importance of the coor-dination role of the prosecutor's office in the fight against criminal manifestations is shown. The positive results of the work of the prosecutor's office in the fight against crime for the period 2020-2021 are presented. Conclusion. According to the results of the study, the authors believe that the legislator has recently been ex-panding the boundaries when the prosecutor's office carries out coordination activities. The Prosecutor General's Office, as the main coordinator of law enforcement activities in the fight against crime, is obliged to maintain a state unified statistical record of data on the state of crime, as well as to carry out and monitor the implementation of coordination activities - meetings.

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