
Abstract.The article analyzed most recent meaning and problems of the entry tourism in Ukraine, were mentioned the main obstacles, that could cause problems for tourism industry in Ukraine and its negative impact on the development of the branch as opposed to the world standards. It analyzed the main indicators in the activity of collective means, indicated a tendency to their reduction in numbers and shortage in foreigner fraction, which remained there before. The modern problems of tourism branch as well as overall tendency of change in the interaction between causes of regulations of tourism industry were defined, stated the reasons of decrease of touristic flows. Modern tourism pays a significant part in stimulations of the economical development of not only separate branches but also country’s economics as well. Development of the tourism stimulates consumers’ demand, increases the level of the currency income, impacts the employment, boosts the living conditions of thepopulation, activates relations between the countries of the touristic process, provides constant development of the certain regions and is considered a great way in protection of the cultural, historical and environmental heritage. The involvement of the foreign tourists brings significant income for the country, however, also requires big investments in the branch for the modernization of the service sector. Tourism in-dustry provides more and more income to the budget of the world countries every yearand that is why the market became highly competitive as every country tries to be the most attractive one for the potential traveler and, consequently, lead in the promotion of touristic goods. Tourism potentiality of Ukraine is embraced in a very few ways. With the proper attitude, tourism can bring significant economical benefits to the county, without causing any social and environmental problems. There are few factors affecting the development of entry tourism: political and economical stability of the country, safety and comfort of the tourists, the overall state of the touristic infrastructure, evidence of the cultural and historical heritage, special recreational zones, tourist destinations or either cultural or sport events. Tourism branch brings high income to the countries that cultivate it and also the countries of the European Union. In the conditions of euro integration, the development of the tou-rism activity in Ukraine, especially the entry tourism, becomes the one of the significant importance. The main point of the research is highlighting the problems that occurred in native tourism branch. Keywords: tourism, entry tourism, collective placement meanings.

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