
In the article, the relevance of the problem of applying strategic planning based on the project approach was reasonable. The rapid development of the external environment, the limited time and resource for organization potential, the rapid dissemination and receipt of business information, the emergence of modern techniques and methods of competition encourages managers to search for new tools and methods of strategic planning. Now it can be observed the methods and tools of strategic planning used in foreign practice are poorly adapted to the conditions of functioning of domestic business structures. This problem is compounded by the fact that the growing dynamism of the external business environment poses threats that appear in the shortening of the development cycles of the scientific and technological revolution, leading to rapid change of technologies. As a result, old businesses are disappearing and consumer preferences are changing their vector. The purpose of this work is to disclose the essence of strategic planning and to develop tools to formulate a strategic plan for the organization's development based on the project approach. The article describes the essence of strategic planning. The authors consider strategic planning as a basic element of strategic management, not just a set of projections for financial, material and human resources development. Given that the formation of a strategic plan is not the final stage of strategic planning, the authors invite to consider it as a program to achieve the set goals of a certain stage of the organization's development. This is an argument for justifying the features of an organization's development strategy. In the next stage of the research, an algorithm for drafting an organizational development strategy was developed based on the project approach.

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