
Introduction. The article describes some linguistic and stylistic peculiarities of german advertising text. Purpose. To consider and analyze the slogans of German advertising campaigns and determine the role of means of expression, their impact on the cognitive function of the recipient, as well as the dominant linguistic and stylistic elements in the texts of advertising messages. Results. Linguistic and stylistic approach to the analysis of the structure, semantics and functions of advertising texts is chronologically the first, it is represented by scientific research, which analyzes the linguistic features of advertising texts. Experts note that the traditional analysis of advertising texts in terms of the use of language is associated with the definition of advertising as a background of mass communication, given the focus of advertising on mass influence and clear grammatical orientation, and a set of structural, semantic and stylistic characteristics subject to grammatical guidance. the ability to define a slogan as a genre of advertising text. The linguistic-stylistic approach involves the study of linguistic means used in the slogan, in particular stylistic figures, on the basis of which advertising texts are created, because advertising not only informs the reader, but also forms a bright, clear advertising image through a system of pictorial and expressive means of speech. The stylistic coloring of the lexical units used in the text of advertising is perhaps the greatest influence. Authors of advertising texts often resort to the use of stylistic means of speech, such as: metaphor (word or expression used figuratively), metonymy (replacement of one word with another on the basis of contiguity), antithesis (opposition of contrasting phenomena), irony (hidden ridicule), polysemy (ambiguity), pun (combination of words based on their ambiguity or consonance with the comic effect), epithet (emphasizes the characteristic feature of the described phenomenon), oxymoron (combination of opposite in content, contrasting concepts), comparison, hyperbole (exaggeration), euphemism ( neutral expression used instead of profanity), paraphrases (indirect mention of the object by description), allusion (hint). However, the most common are metaphor, means of repetition, epithet, hyperbole, rhyme, allusion and periphrasis. Originality . Means of expression are directly related to the objects and phenomena of material and spiritual culture of people, with the history of society and is a kind of consolidation and transfer of social and cognitive experience. Conclusion . In order to comprehend and translate advertising adequately, it is necessary, first, to have a thorough knowledge base in the field of vocabulary and style of both the original language and the language of translation; secondly, it is necessary to understand the linguistic and cultural features of a particular region in order to understand and feel the emotional impact of advertising, which is a very important point on the way to correctly convey it in the native language; thirdly, to take into account the intercultural and interethnic features of advertising material, and, finally, to maintain the pragmatic orientation of the advertising message.

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