
The article considers the problem of training future specialists in physical training and sports to work with servicemen with disabilities. It has been found that physical activity plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation of servicemen with special needs. However, the analysis of scientific and methodological literature and military practice showed that not enough attention was paid to the issue of their preparation.The analysis of the bachelor's program in the discipline “Physical Rehabilitation and Adaptive Physical Education”, which was developed in accordance with the standard of higher education in “Physical Culture and Sports” and takes into account psychological and pedagogical differences in the activities of professionals in adaptive physical culture. This program consists of three blocks: theoretical, methodological and practical and allows to properly prepare future specialists in physical training and sports to work with servicemen with disabilities.Practical training of future specialists in physical training and sports is carried out during the solution of problematic practical tasks for assessment and analysis of health and physical development of persons of different nosological groups, development of motor activity programs based on the basic laws of physical development. qualities of adaptive physical education, the dependence of the development of physical abilities on motor modes and the stage of development of physical qualities. Also determine the amount of motor skills and testing during various nosologies, develop guidelines for adaptive physical education for people in this category.

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