
The study describes the special vocabulary which is traditionally divided into two categories: terms and professionalisms. Professional jargon units, which are considered to be limited lexical units of language and used by specialists in workplace communication in various fields, are analyzed. Professional jargon, as a means of internal informal workplace communication, is an important element of the organizational culture of any enterprise. Professional jargon units as products of professional and sign activity can be interpreted as verbal manifestations of social symbolism in professional communication. The present study deals with the operation of professionalisms as an integral part of special vocabulary. The distinction between the terms and jargon are analyzed. Peculiar features of professional jargon, composition and internal structure of organization of subsets with professional jargon units used by representatives of different professions are defined. A large number of examples from different professional fields are given. The study describes functioning of professional jargon, mechanisms of jargon nomination, its specificity in relation to different professional spheres.

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