
This article is dedicated to the publication and the comparative analysis of 11 – 12 centuries Pereiaslavl (modern name Pereiaslav) cranial series found during excavations by D. Samokvasov (1877), V. Shcherbakivskyi (1914), and a permanent archaeological expedition of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereyaslav» under the leadership of M. Tovkailo (2004 – 2007), D. Teteria (2008 – 2012), M. Rozdobudko (2014 – 2016), O. Priadko (2015 – 2019). The purpose of the article is to introduce a new material into scientific domain, provide a general description of Pereiaslav population of 11th – 12th cent. on the background of neighboring ethnic groups from Ukraine and Eastern Europe (synchronistic method), determine the distance between separate cranial series of 11th – 12th cent. with the help of multidimensional canonical and cluster analysis, and to find out the place of 11th – 12th cent. Pereiaslav male population in the system of craniological types of Eastern Europe. This paper attempts to apply two typological approaches to the researched group. The methodology of the research. The research is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity, general scientific (analysis and synthesis), historical (comparative-historical), anthropological and statistical methods were used. The skulls were measured according to the full craniometric program using the standard R. Martin method, according to which the numbering of signs was indicated. Computer software developed by B. Kozintsev and O. Kozintsev in 1991 has been used in the research. 14 craniometric traits defined by R. Martin have been involved into the study. Scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time, the general male Old Rus selection of Pereiaslav town including 59 skulls has been created. According to the craniometric trait average value, the male part of the series can be classified as dolichocranic Caucasoid variant with moderately broad face. It has been proved that after uniting two male craniological groups from Pereiaslav, its representatives, according to typological scheme by T. Alekseeva, belong to dolichocranic, middle size face craniological type. This is the same type where Siverians, Dregoviches, Smolensk Krivichs, and Radimichs belong to. Grounding on V. Diachenko typology, the male group can be classified to some extend as Neopontic craniological type. Conclusion. The comparison of the male researched group from 11th – 12th cent. with synchronic series from Old Rus territory with the help of multidimensional canonical and cluster analysis has shown its similarity to town series from Liubech, Halych and to less extend Chernihiv.


  • This article is dedicated to the publication and the comparative analysis of 11 – 12 centuries Pereiaslavl cranial series found during excavations by D

  • The purpose of the article is to introduce a new material into scientific domain, provide a general description of Pereiaslav population of 11th – 12th cent. on the background of neighboring ethnic groups from Ukraine and Eastern Europe, determine the distance between separate cranial series of 11th – 12th cent. with the help of multidimensional canonical and cluster analysis, and to find out the place of 11th – 12th cent

  • According to the craniometric trait average value, the male part of the series can be classified as dolichocranic Caucasoid variant with moderately broad face

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77. Назомалярний кут

M – середня арифметична величина; n – кількість випадків; – середні квадратичні відхилення; m (M) – похибка середньої арифметичної величини; ms – похибка середнього квадратичного відхилення; * перевищує стандартні величини квадратичного відхилення; ** менше за стандартні величини квадратичного відхилення. Назомалярний кут – малий, тобто обличчя різко профільоване на рівні орбіт, хоча в серії є один череп зі сплощеним горизонтальним профілюванням (23 за 2004 р.). Алексєєвої [Алексеева, 1973 : 67], переяславці опиняються в колі доліхокранного, середньолицього краніологічного типу, де перебувають сіверяни, дреговичі, смоленські кривичі, радимичі. Дяченка [Дяченко, 1986 : 234–243; Дяченко, 1993 : 151–166], чоловічу групу певною мірою можна віднести до Неопонтійського краніологічного антропологічного типу Для порівняльного багатовимірного аналізу використано дані 47 чоловічих краніологічних серій ІІ тис. (Республіка Білорусь), які ототожнюють із західною гілкою дреговичів; Бранешти, Василів, Жванець [Алексеева, 1973; Алексєєва, 1969; Великанова, 1975 : 96–111; Долженко & Веремейчик, 2015; Долженко, 2017; Долженко, 2018a; Долженко, 2019; Долженко, 2020; Дяченко & Покас &Сухобоков, 1984; Зіневич, 1962; НА ІА НАНУ. Давньоруські краніологічні серії, що використовувались для порівняльного аналізу [За Дяченко, 1986 : 240; Дяченко, 1986 : 234–243; Дяченко, 1993 : 151–166]

19. Монастирок
46. Жванець
52. Висота орбіти
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